Week 3 of LumiVid’s Creative Marketing Machine | Helen Fitzgerald’s video marketing strategy
We launched episode 3 of the Helen Fitzgerald’s nightclub campaign today. The results of our first 2 week’s promotion are showing good results as the channel is approaching 3000 views!
We are walking a fine line with our creative content, trying to keep the humor edgy enough to cut through the clutter and gain shares while not creeping into offensive territory.
At this point in time we can validate that our SEO efforts are working as Helen fitzgerald’s now holds spots #1, #3, and #5 on the YouTube search results page for the highly competitive search phrase “Best bar in St. Louis”. We also tried with outdoor advertising thanks to resources from https://www.outdoor-advertising.org.uk/dimensions/6-sheet.
We will be releasing some more edgy episodes in a few weeks.
LumiVid’s Creative Marketing Machine combines best-of-breed SEO research, premium original video production, and an aggressive video content re-purposing and syndication process to leverage the full potential of online marketing.
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